This bridges the gap between understanding the steps, to going where the Glory of God is. It describes the way to get there. This packet is for those who want the glory of God like Moses.
Inspirational 3-D Poetry- A collection of inspirational religious poetry. The pages are 8.5 x 11 with large 3-D poetry in elegant wine glass shapes. The piece comes together, and someone can hold the glass to take a sip.
ASIN : B08W7SQL26 115 pages
How does the zeal of God relate to His love? Reading about the sweetness of God's divine character and His zeal to love is sure to bring a sense of wellness to the reader. The writer, who also is a nurse, shows how the zeal of the love of God brings healing. It is a perfect book to cheer someone up because it speaks directly to their spirit. Prophetic Wave Series.
ASIN : B08QDTPDGW 6 x 9 208 pages
Large Print is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
ASIN : B08VYR2BLD 8.5 x 11 207 pages
Do we know God by how we have been taught or are we brave enough to ask Him ourselves? Are we good enough to see the backside of God like Moses did? Did you know there is a mirror that shows us who we are and who God is. References from 5 Holy Books: the Tanakh, Christian New Testament, Book of Mormon, Catholic Bible, and the Qur’an.
ASIN : B08NDR1GQJ 173 pages 6 x 9
Large Print is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
8.5 x 11 216 pages
Dove Dreams Fly is the inside story of how Sheri Hauser followed dreams which led to learn everything to hatch a publishing company. This business was built on faith in the dreams she believed were from God and proved to be true. You can, as well, because last time we checked God is still handing out dreams for free.
ASIN : B08B39QN41 6 x 9 194 pages
Purpose of Writing
This is a book that I have already written once, but have been instructed to write again, a chapter at a time, on line. The emphasis of the book is to know God. We can only know someone by who we think them to be. Our image of God directs who we know to be ‘God’.
And, the writing takes it a step further by saying that we reflect the image of God that we have. If we rely upon the image of God which has been taught to us by others, then this is the reflection which we will show to others. For example, if our image of God is one who only answers prayers after much contemplated prayer, then we will be one who spends a lot of time in prayer because that is what we have come to expect.
But, the book reveals that God wants to tell us who He is. How can this be possible? God is speaking and we need to learn to open our hearts to listen to Him. He speaks into our spirit through our heart. This is the miracle of God who is revealed to each of us individually.
Why the Glory Departed is written from dreams which have been opened using the presence of God, and several Holy Books including translations of the Hebrew-English Tanakh, the Book of Mormon, the Qur'an, and New American Catholic Bible.
The goal of this book is not to convert individuals to any specific religion, but to open up our understanding how to hear God’s voice for ourselves within whatever group we live. Think of it like this: each of us has been given a piece of paper {symbolic of our ideas concerning who God is}. None of us has a whole piece of paper because there is no way we could totally understand Him. So, each of us is missing parts of the paper: some more than others. How would I know which piece of your paper is missing and how would you know which piece of mine is not there? Many think that we can ‘straighten’ up others by planting them into ‘our pot’. But, the message of these writings is that God want to feed us all in the pot where we have been planted.
We each reflect Him in our own special way. But, how can we know what that is if we can’t figure out who He is? The book walks the reader into the secret garden of understanding things of a spiritual nature which is very different from understanding things of the physical nature.
We cannot come to any type of understanding of God using our mind; it doesn’t work. We must put the puzzle together using the pieces He has given. It’s His puzzle, not ours. So why not ask Him to provide the pieces necessary to build the picture the way it was intended?
Welcome to my version of Why the Glory Departed. This is the third edition of the same book by the original title Miraculeś. After releasing the book for some time, I realized that there was a difference between what the book means to me (when it came to me) and what is should mean to someone else--and by changing the title, they will understand what the book is.
The Glory has departed--but it is possible to see it once again. Read on...
Letter from the Author
In 2001 I received a dream. Then I had it again. When it came to me the third time, I took notice of it. I couldn’t help but to think of Moses stopping to notice the bush on fire wondering why it wasn’t consumed. I wondered why this dream wasn’t consumed by time. Why didn’t it pass like all the others?
And, like Moses, when I paused, I found something greater than what looked to be ordinary. I took the dream to God in my prayer time and asked Him for the answer to it. How amazing! He responded with another dream. I was awe struck to recognize that my questions were responded to like a volley ball in a game: He sent the answer back to me in a dream again and again.
At first, I was shocked and kept the information to myself and then I shared with a few close friends. Some admonished me to ‘put away the foolishness’ while others pacified me, tossing my ‘interpretations of dreams’ into waste cans when they felt I wasn’t looking. But, they kept coming and like a ‘secret rendezvous each night, I set a notebook with a pen by my bedside eager for another ‘encounter’ with my new friend ‘the voice that responds back in dreams’. Certainly, it had to be God because He was the one I was asking for answers. Who else knows the answers?
And, I fell in love. I couldn’t help it. When the dream came: ‘I am looking for night dreamers to become day doers who do what I only dreamt of until I found you.’
That sounded like a personal letter from God to me. I became addicted to understanding the dreams because they were like ‘post-its’ from God.
So, I copied the dreams down in the middle of the night onto a pad and used Scripture and prayer to understand them as signs from God. It was an amazing development just like getting the lid off a can of beans. Once the lid is off, you can eat all the beans you want. Once the lid was off the idea that dreams came to me as ‘messages from God in response to prayers’ I consumed all I could at an alarming rate. I began putting the dreams into the computer because my handwriting was illegible from being transcribed onto my notebook in the middle of the night. I was at this stage after about a year from receiving the first dream [several times] when I received another significant dream. In this dream there were just words in which God said, “You are writing a book”.
Now, I’m not a writer, by trade. I am a nurse. And, I have never attempted to write anything other than term papers, so I am confident that, if God wanted me to ‘write a book’ it was supposed to be compilation of these files of dreams. At that point I had no idea of the topic. To me, the dreams had come as answers to my prayers, leading for my life, and words of caution which steered me away from things that would potentially harm me.
So, I decided to pile up the dreams three times. I figured that, with the chances of odds, I could be able to come up with a reliable pattern by the third try. Well, I piled them up two times after about six months. But, the problems was that while I was attempting to ‘arrange my pile’ I was being overwhelmed by more and more dreams; sometimes as many as four a night. It was like God had found someone who would ‘finally’ listen, so He was talking a streak.
One of the things that I do, when I can’t figure out what else to do, is to fast. So, I fasted because I was urgent to know the answer of how this pile of dreams came together. After a forty day fast, God gave me a dream which led me to an outline for all of the dreams. It was Isaiah 11.2-3. So, I compiled all of the dreams with their ‘interpretations’ into one book and called it Miracleś. It was five hundred notebook pages. {To help you understand, this is about 1500 pages in a regular size book.} During this time I started receiving ‘words’ which came like ‘poetry’, as well. I didn’t know what to do with these ‘words’, so I put them in a separate file and called them ‘Reflections of Praise’.
The night I completed the book, I handed it to God and considered myself ‘done’ with the project. But, that night He gave me 4 dreams. In those dreams He told me to set the book on my dresser for forty nights whereby He would give instructions over that time. He likened it to Noah and the Ark. Noah took 100 years to build the Ark, then God closed him up in the boat for a few days before it rained. I bet those 7 days while they waited for it to rain were tough on Noah because I can imagine that he got taunting from the nearby people and, probably, even his family. And, God showed me that, like Noah, I had taken 40 years to complete a project which should have been done a long time ago, I needed to be patient and given Him a few days to work out the details.
Over the next 40 days, He gave me dreams which directed me to ‘chop’ up Miracleś into four books: Miracleś, Katísha, Tomaseña, and Coríanta. Then, He told me to ‘turn the stack over and release them. Well, the dreams kept coming at an alarming rate and hearing the voice of God pushed into the daytime. He gave me the gift of ‘rhyme’ all at once, so many of the pieces rhyme. What happened was that the books ‘exploded’ in the center. Miracleś kept being pushed further and further back while others were inserted.
At this point I have completed 14 books and am, finally, ready to compile Miracleś. To me, this is the first book which I wrote, so I am happy to finally be releasing it.
The above was penned in 2007. By 2020, I have released 23 dream books; many in large print and second editions. Two of them are on their third edition. My next step is to set up a sound booth and begin recording the audio books.
The essence of the book is that “God knows Himself best” so if we learn to hear His voice, He will tell us about Himself. The reason the book includes several ‘Holy Books’ is that these give evidence that God is speaking and others have heard His voice. I do not cover any ‘religious’ aspects regarding the ‘Holy Books’. If you desire to know the religions behind the books, they can be readily found without my help. [Excerpts from Why the Glory Departed.]
[These books titles have been changed to help understand them better. The titles were too difficult. ]
Book Name Changes
Garden of your Heart
This book is for those who know that there is a wall between them and God; they know there is a wall between where they are and where they want to be. Because, perhaps, after looking over all the book titles, you feel overwhelmed because you are still on the other side of the wall. And, like a college student looking to receive a degree in a few years, you feel you can’t wait that long. You have a burning in your chest that won’t let you rest.
Your soul is starving. And, you have been so long without food that you have looked for other things to eat. But, what they have fed you is the cardboard box instead of the Cheerios. And, you look at them chewing on their own cardboard with plastic smiles on their faces and wonder, “Certainly they know.” For, they are filled, but not satisfied.
And, if you find that you are surrounded with good things. If you have a nice family, decent job and comfortable living conditions, yet are miserable; this book is for you.
But, before I pour Cheerios into your bowl, let’s see if you’re ready. Maybe you’re not. Here are a few questions to test your soul. Your soul is like a roast cooking in a pot. It starts out tough as can be, then, becomes tender. It doesn’t start out being tender. We are all at different degrees of tenderness in our relationship with God. Many times we need to get back into the pot and simmer some more before we are ready to be served and serve others. The tenderness of your soul is not anyone else’s responsibility; and they can’t do it anyway. It is yours.
We would like to think that it is God’s responsibility to make our soul tender to Him and others. Sometimes, like a pot roast, we assume that ‘over time’ we will become tender. That’s not true: If the cut of meat is bad, time won’t change it. If our soul is ‘bad’ time only preserves it for later.
Oh, and we think, “Add some seasonings and certainly this roast will become tender.”
So, we add. We add religious meetings, scripture study, memorization, and discipline. We add things to help tenderize our soul. And, we reason, that over time, through seasons of study and discipline, we will become tender to God.
But, this doesn’t work. So, we leave conventional religion and go seeking. Still we are looking for the Cheerios that we know are in that box: it says so in the cover. We are believed that we were looking for the ‘presence of God’ and, certainly, ‘God is not in this religion’, so we jump from one pot to the next. Sometimes we choose a bigger pot, and sometimes a smaller one. {Bigger group of followers} But a pot is a pot and we are bound by external elements which are out of our control.
What I have found is that we have a garden which our soul is grown in. Oh what wonderful plants, rockeries and statues are in that garden! It is a wonderful place. But, we don’t know how to sit and enjoy that garden because we keep looking over the fence at the neighbor’s.
We need to learn to be content in our own garden. We need to pull our own weeds and tend our bushes when they get out of control. {That is what all these books are on.} And, if you diligently read all these books, your garden will be in pretty good shape.
Yet, there will continue to be unrest in your soul until you learn to leave the gate open. You see, my friend, of all the messages I have to share this is the most profound: God has a garden, too. And, He isn’t waiting for us to come to His garden, but for us to leave the gate open so He can come to ours. Oh, we are worried that ‘what if He comes when the roses are not blooming?’ And ‘what if He comes when I am in the middle of weeding and finds me in my work clothes?’.
And, if you leave the gate open, He will come at the most inopportune times.
You see, it is our responsibility to open the gate to our garden because, if that gate is locked, it is latched from the inside. It’s not that He doesn’t want to come: It’s not that He is withholding your Cheerios and giving the box, but we have not extended our bowl. You can’t eat Cheerios without a bowl and He has put the bowl into our hands. God is not short on being found like a cupboard without supplies: Certainly He knows where He is.
We cannot go to God. He is a spiritual being who lives in a spiritual house. We are a physical being and live in a world we can touch. He lives in a world we can’t touch.
But that’s OK because He has made the effort to come to us. The Christian Scriptures say that Jesus had a relationship of love with God and when He left, He made a provision for us to have that same relationship. He made opened the gate to the garden of God on His side because He went to heaven (God’s garden) and came back (to our place). You see, it is like someone going through the house and out the gate leaving the door open. {John 14-17}.
So, my friend, the bottom line is that if you feel you are separated from God by a wall, then it is because your gate is not open. Your roast needs to be tenderized and you need some Cheerios in your bowl.
Your soul is starved to for that which is spiritual and your heart needs to become tender to the things of God. Ask. There is a lock on your gate that must be opened from the inside if you want the things of the Spirit to enter. It’s not done in a physical world because the physical world does not connect with that which is spiritual.
And, if you open the gate to your heart (your garden) to the entrance of God, then He will come.
And, when He comes what will He find? Is your heart hardened to conversation with Him? Do you already know what He will say, so you fill in the words? Are you afraid of Him? Will you provide a bench so He can stay? Are you so concerned with the weeds in your garden that you will rush Him to go so you can take care of things yourself?
He wants to be our friend. Imagine that: God wants to come to our garden and chat. He wants to speak to our heart. He doesn’t use words: He’s God. He uses spiritual language which we will never understand.
And, if you have had your gate shut all this time; perhaps even built up a fortress against His entrance, dismantle it, open the door and say you’re sorry. Greet Him before He enters. Don’t wait to see the look of disappointment in His face…trust me….it will be too much. Just run to Him and apologize.
The one thing about God is that He does not go against His character; He is forgiving and ever loving. He will forgive and He will continue to love you. The difference is that now, you will feel it.
[Excerpts from Why the Glory Departed.]
Reflections of Praise
Reflections of Praise is a book that reflects God in a fun way. The poetry flows like a river from the mountain to the sea. It moves us from prayer through forgiveness (like the snow), into hearing God speak to us, bringing us to see (sea) who He wants us to be.
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