This bridges the gap of understanding the war of the Kingdom of God against the kingdom of Satan. It gives strategy for fighting.
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This is a demonic warfare book. Learn what to do with demons in people, places, and things. Encountering an evil spirit face to face is not the time to wonder if you have what it takes to get rid of him. The book drops readers into the first chapter, where she is attacked by a demon-possessed dog. It was harrowing and injurious.
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2nd Edition
The Book is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
Prophetic Wave Series.
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Satan often gets much more credit than he deserves in causing trouble in our lives. He is a deceiver. He has a mirror that he holds up to our chin. We see ourselves in a bad light. His mirror is like that of a funny house. It is warped. If our nose is a little large, then he blows it all out of proportion until we see ourselves as needing a nose job. He takes what are our weaknesses and shows them to us colored with his deceptive light. He adds a little one way or the other. He adds just enough fog to the mirror, so we do not have the true picture, but are shown a foggy version of the truth.
The power of Satan to cause us to sin is questionable. However, his posse is very active. He has a group of fallen angelic beings that work with him as part of his ‘army’, his team, his posse. I call the demonic beings, the posse of Satan because they are not leaders and have only joined him out of duress. The Scripture gives account of how it all came to be in the book of Job.
Lucifer was arc angel, one held by a covenant to God. He decided that he wanted to be like God; that he wanted to be in charge and be looked up to as a leader.
God does not share His glory with any other. Lucifer was created by God for the same purposes as all the angels, to bring honor to Him, and to serve us assisting in our Christian walk. He stepped out of his position. When he did, a battle ensued in the heavenly. Lucifer relied on himself, while his posse relied on him. They went to battle against those angels who remained loyal to God’s original commands for them. Michael was their commander in charge of God’s forces.
There really was not much of a battle as one would call a battle. Michael simply grabbed Lucifer and rolled him into a ball and tossed him out of heaven. It was by the power of God flowing through the hand of Michael that this was done. Lucifer took those loyal to him with him. There is debate as to whether or not those angels who became demons as they fell from heaven, actually wanted to go. I think of it like teens who are hanging out with their friends. One of their buddies decides to steal a car. They are not the master mind of the operation, but end up in the vehicle when it is driven off the cliff. They succumbed to the pressure causing a chain of events that is irreversible.
The angelic beings that ended up on the other side of God’s grace now serve the purposes of their ring leader, their boss, the leader of the coo to overthrow the throne of God in heaven.
It’s easy to see how it happened: His thinking. He was beautiful, adorned with magnificent colors. He had a lustrous job and received adoration from God for his loyal service, no doubt. God loved him as one of His created beings. Scripture says that he was among the most beautiful. What happened?
He stopped seeing himself in relation to God and began to look at himself in relation to others. He was in a position of authority. Others looked ‘up’ to him for direction. They saw his beauty, no doubt, and knew he was highly honored by God in heaven.
So, what he did was loose his focus. He turned his head away from focusing on God’s purposes, and God’s honor. It was only a glance, but the eyes of God see all. Did he pay honor to those 1/3 angels that he took with him? Or did he just simply notice how beautiful he was compared to the others?
When we are what God wants us to be, then we are beautiful. When we sing for him, the songs are beautiful. Everything is good until we slip and focus on the audience. When we focus on the ministry, we loose our balance. When we stop looking into the ‘God mirror’ and start gazing into our own mirror, we begin to take His glory for ourselves. We become fallen from the position that God wants us to be in by our own hand. We don’t need any one to throw us down, we stumble on our own.
[Excerpt From Tactical Demonic Warfare.]
When we had church, there was a strong negative spirit in the sanctuary. It was pointed out by the pastor, and confirmed by three intercessors. The spirit actually had a ‘foul’ smell. As we prayed into it, God said that the Pastor was a key in the kingdom of God. So, I called him and asked for the name of the spirit. He said that the name of the spirit was ‘Rebellion”.
I did a careful research of “Rebellion” in the children of Israel that came to them right after they left Egypt. Exodus 14:31 the Children of Israel were happy to be released from Egyptian bondage, but in Exodus 15:24 they started ‘grumbling’ against God. Duet 9:7 likens ‘murmur’ with rebellion.
Murmur is speaking what is wrong and not speaking the things that are right. So, I looked into the reasons why the Children of Israel were not allowed to enter the Promise Land. To grumble seemed like a small thing. Why would God kill all of that generation because of it? Certainly, this was much more serious than I thought.
What I came up with was that they desired to mix the old ways with God’s ways because they were familiar to them. In essence, they wanted to ‘taint’ the things of God. Like mixing dirty water into the drinking water, it was intolerable. They found comfort in familiarity. They were tolerant because they were familiar with the sin of idolatry. God could not use them if they would not become a pure people.
When they ran out of water in the desert, first they looked to their own resources, then, looked to their neighbor as a resource. After this, they wanted to turn back to Egypt. The reason they wanted to turn back was from a spirit of rebellion. This is where an individual thinks that he knows how to do something better than the one in charge.
So I studied the principle of mixing of old ways with new ways. Rebellion was linked with idol worship in Exodus. They made an Idol as soon as they were left alone by Moses
Idolatry consists of calling on a power source to be used to control another person or to maintain control of your surroundings or yourself. It is a desire to want to control.
The spirit of witchcraft wants to control. How does it control? When a new leader wants to take over, he needs followers. He has to incite a rebellion. Without rebellion, he cannot take over the kingdom. He cannot have control without fear. He has to first incite a rebellion or fear to cause the people to fight on his side.
The following week, I felt a presence of a bad spirit to the point where it walked up to me and stood in front of me in the sanctuary. (I prayed for God to reveal the demonic spirits to me so that I could defeat them more effectively with God’s help, so this wasn’t unusual for me.) It was getting on my nerves, so I asked a friend to pray with me and ask God to tell us the name of the spirit so that we could expel it from the church. We knew the character of the spirit was ‘rebellion’ masked in ‘murmuring’, but we didn’t know the name of the spirit. In the New Testament Jesus asks the name of the spirits before He casts them out, so we recognized this as an important step.
When we asked the name of the spirit, the word “Excalibur” came to my mind. I said it out loud to her at that time. Just after this, a woman walked into the church (which only had about 4 people in it at this time) with a sweat shirt on and huge writing with the words “Excalibur” on it. When I asked her where she got the shirt from, she said it was from a friend, so I discounted the sweatshirt as having any special significance to her or our church, other than confirmation from God that the word was right that He had given me about the name of the spirit.
So, with the word Excalibur, I started a research project. I found several similarities between the building of the Excalibur which is a casino in Las Vegas, and the sword of Excalibur in the children’s story written many years ago. Bare with me because, remember that the original question that I asked God was to uncover the sword of the Devil.
At this point He gave the sword of Satan a name. So, follow me with the research. I believe you will find it interesting.
The Excalibur Hotel was built in 1990 by Circus Circus. It is one of the first casinos in Las Vegas to be built with a theme in an attempt to draw families. They built a complex that has a front similar to a fun park. With the building of Excalibur, Las Vegas took on a new face drawing more families instead of just adults.
Then, in 1993 they expanded to build the Luxor. The Luxor is a pyramid after the design of the pyramids built by the Children of Israel when they were in bondage. These two casinos have the same ownership. They share trams. Both promote a ‘family’ atmosphere.
But, however, we must take note that the casino industry in Las Vegas was built on the alliance between gamblers, gangsters and government. The Luxor is a pyramid that sends out the brightest ray in the solar system. It is the only light that can be seen from outer space by the astronauts.
As a city, Las Vegas produces no resources. It is purely service oriented, feeding on a steady stream of tourists to support the economy. It is formed on a foundation of gambling. People come expecting to spend hundreds of dollars and only ‘hope’ to go home with some return for it. They come for a desire, but don’t really hope to have it fulfilled because the odds are so bad. Where else does someone spend one hundred dollars and expect to get nothing, except a good time?
The mentality promoted by Las Vegas takes from people. It rarely gives any return. The target of its wealth is anybody with cash. There is no regard for the poor, the elderly, or the indigent, but rather it actively promotes midweek gambling and cashing of paychecks at casinos. The goal for the casino industry is profit. Their challenge is to take from your pocket and put into theirs. Any way that they can ‘trick’ you into putting your money into the gambling machines is considered acceptable.
Greed and lust are openly accepted and promoted. It is a city that shines when it is dark outside. Notice that none of the casinos have clocks on the walls and there are no windows. So, it is a desire of the management for the patrons to loose track of time and stay as long as possible, spending as much money as they have.
They have built elaborate nighttime light shows which draw people out in the dark. Each casino has attempted to outdo the one next to it with shows and entertainment; all meant to entice us to spend our money at their place. But, note that the spectacle of lights depends on the darkness. And, because it’s Las Vegas, it’s OK. The city government and police support it.
People come to Las Vegas seeking another chance, a last chance, or, perhaps, a new life in desperation and what they receive is: nothing but crumbs. The real lures are: escape, diversion, sex, money and power. The Excalibur casino is merely an example of one that has been built on a foundation of using others and giving hardly anything back. It is a fake castle with a fake dragon built on a matrix of schemes all designed to make others poor while the management transfers money into their own pocket.
Excalibur the Tale
The story takes place in medieval times. It is the realm of knights and princes during the time when they fought dragons for what is right.
In the story, Arthur is the illegitimate son of Uther and he is loosing his authority in the kingdom. So, he goes to the sorcerer who takes him to a lake where the Lady of the Lake gives him a magical sword. Her arm comes up out of the lake and presents a sword to him that is to help solve his problems.
As he receives the sword, he is told to value the covering for the sword. It is the covering that provides the magic to making the sword have invincible powers. The covering for this sword is called a scafford.
Arthur fights some battles and wins using the sword called Excalibur. His sister wants to rule for a while, but knows that she needs the power of Excalibur to be able to rule with authority. She attempts to steal the sword from Arthur, but he is sleeping on the sword. She can’t get to the sword, but sees the scafford next to him. It is highly decorated with precious gems. She doesn’t realize that it is what provides the power to the sword; she takes it because it looks valuable. By this time, he has grown accustomed to wining the battles and always having the power of the sword available to him. The scafford was tossed in the corner. So, she takes it easily and he pays her no mind.
Soon after, when he takes the sword into a battle, it does not have the same magical powers as it did previously. He is grievously wounded in the battle. Certainly, he reasons, there are problems with this sword, so he makes a way to return it to the lady of the lake. There is an assigned procedure that must be followed to return the sword to her. He is too weak from the injuries to do it himself and sends another to return it for him. But, that knight doesn’t realize the power is gone and is wounded attempting to use the sword.
So, Arthur musters strength and goes to the lake himself.
When he throws the sword into the lake, the Lady of the Lake reaches out of the water, catches the sword and brandishes it three times before disappearing into the lake. The curse is broken when the sword it returned to the lake. In the end, everybody looses. (You can find the story at the library. Don’t get it confused with the Sword and the Stone.)
Now let me show you something. There is a connection between the ideas that the casino industry were built on, and the story of Excalibur. Both, together, help to uncover Satan’s sword.
Satan’s Excalibur
These two stories have helped to expose the weapon of the enemy. And, God told me to include this in the book.
So, here it goes: The stories and the casinos are not inherently bad, but God has used them to show some things. The Excalibur Hotel was built on a theme of a ‘kingdom’. There is a dragon that guards the palace. Merlin is there. It has an overlay of magic all about the place. A second casino was built after Excalibur by the same company.
It is a three sided pyramid symbolic of the ancient pyramids in Egypt. There is a huge sphinx out front. It has a beam of light very high wattage that sends out light that can be seen from outer space. It is the brightest light in the world. Satan has a kingdom that he is building.
It is guarded by a serpent and magic. He sends out his light into the atmosphere. Like the Luxor, his light can only be seen at night. He promotes a kingdom of bondage with slaves under a triune system to mimic God’s system. He sends messengers in the flesh to cause us to stumble. He gives spiritual messages that disrupt our thinking. And. he is the father to those he raises up. He fathers works of sinfulness.
The economy of gambling is like his worldly economy. When people come to Las Vegas, it is one of the few cities where people expect to loose.
They bring extra money and throw it into chance. The maximum pay off in a machine is 98% which means that no matter what you do, you will always loose 2%. The system is set up to try to get the other person to loose more than you do. If the guy in front of you looses, then, hopefully, you can go home with his money and yours as well. It promotes greed. There are no clocks in the casinos because the management wants you to forget about being anywhere else and concentrate on winning.
The system feeds off people’s needs and greed. Many come to Las Vegas because they want another chance, an opportunity to be a winner. What the city gives back is another loss. But, it continues to feed with a hope that is never fulfilled except by a few people. They are like the bait to lure others to throw their money into machines for little return.
Satan has a machine that he lures us unto. He sets up a few rich, successful individuals for us to follow. Then, when we get on that track, he breaks us, and takes everything we own. Wealth, money, happiness, joy are all just out of our reach. We become like a greyhound dog chasing a mechanical rabbit on a rail. We end up going in circles without ever catching the rabbit’s foot.
The Excalibur story is interesting. It is about a magical sword that is given to a knight to help him win battles. It works until his sister sneaks in and steals the sheath of the sword. The sheath has the power to protect the sword from defeat. When it is stolen, then the sword is defeated.
The sword of Satan is covered. He has a sheath that covers his actions. When we use the spiritual gifts that God has given to us, He uncovers it. When the true plot of the enemy is displayed, God will reflect the truth in his face. He runs. He declares that it was never really his plan to destroy you. Then, you have to uncover the sheath in this level of deception.
There are several levels of deception. He has all sorts of weapons, but he has no bullets. Get it? No bullets, only cannons with covers on them. They look like cannons that would destroy us, but they are not armed with any power to destroy when we are standing behind the blood of Jesus.
See, Satan uses the bullets of God to tear us down. God is cannot stand the presence of sin. When we sin, Satan calls it to His attention. The judgment of God falls on us for the sin. The Word of God comes against us for our action. How that Word comes against us, is the method of how Satan chooses to shoot us down. God has all of the bullets in this spiritual war.
To defeat the enemy, we confess our sin, get behind the blood of Jesus and climb into the place of intimacy with Him, the cleft. After we are in the cleft, we can pray for God to remove the cloak of the enemy. It is like a cloak in ‘Star Trek’ that they have on one of their space ships. We have no way of knowing the face of the demon without removing the cloak first. The gifts of prophecy and discernment help to remove the cloak. Once the cloak is removed, we claim the authority of the blood of Jesus over the situation or the spirit, and it is crushed. It becomes crushed by the power of the Word as it moves through our lips hiding behind the holiness of God.
You have set up the collision of God’s holiness with the evil of Satan. Satan is sure to loose every time. Complete victory in prayer.
Excerpt from Tactical Demonic Warfare.
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