Sheri Hauser
Welcome to the Prophetic Wave
Welcome to the Prophetic Wave
My Books are unique in that they are written from dreams and are connected to one another. The primary connecting thread is interactive prayer with God. We all desire for our prayers to be answered. The power to answer prayer is in God’s hands. What if we asked Him what He wants, then requested His desire? What we would be doing is praying into God’s will rather than guessing and hoping for the outcome. We would have surety of the answer. This is precisely what I have done when I published all of my own books and grew a company; I asked God for His desires, then prayed into them. He made them to happen because, after all, He’s God. That is when miracles happen.
Let me give you some insight into the degree of miracle He has done through me; In 2001 I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. After that, I would spend several hours a week in the desert praying and seeking the presence of God’s glory. I began to have dreams and visions which could be related to specific Scriptures in the Bible. What I recognized was that I was actually receiving coded messages, which were the answer to my prayers for guidance to find the presence of God and experience His true glory. I took the dreams and visions back to Him in prayer asking for the answers, then I filled in the blanks to the questions which I had asked in the first place. It was never my intention to write books related to the subject of prayer. What happened is that, because I copied the dreams at night and they were messy to read, I began to transcribe them into the computer. After about a year of doing this, I was given a dream with clear direction to put the collection of dreams with their instructional interpretations into a book.
After prayer and fasting, one book was put together. That first book was called Miracle’s. The title was given to me in the form of a spirit language called “tongues”. The interpretation of the title was also given to me. What the word says if you pronounce it slowly is ‘mirror accolades’. What it means is that when we allow God to show us who He really is, then He will also show us who we really are. Only then will we see how we are to glorify Him; then we will be honored like a knight receives an honor from a Queen. As we kneel before the presence of who He is as He shows it to us, and embrace that vision, He will put a sword to our shoulder and declare us to be an honored part of His Kingdom. Then, we will fulfill the name ‘Miracle’s’ because we will, by His power working through our lives, become walking, breathing miracles. [The Title is changed to Why the Glory Departed].
After more fasting, this book was divided into four books. [Corianta, Katisha, Tomsena, and Miracules] It has become like bread in a basket for me in that, each time I reach my hand to share with others, more bread is produced. So in essence, I only have been given one book, but by being willing to share, it has multiplied to feed many. The books are on different subjects all related to the same topic. I trust you will find the answer to your questions, not in my books, but as my books teach you to ask the right questions and listen for the answer in a way that you can understand enough to pray it in for yourself. Then, you too, will receive your miracle’s.
The Prophetic Bridges
The bridges are for you who realize there is a wall between you and God; between where you are and your desire. Perhaps, after following the masters and pouring over their text, you are frustrated finding yourself still stuck on the other side of the wall. And, like a first-year college student, you just don’t want to wait until graduation to feel comfortable in the field of understanding God. The burning in your chest won’t let you rest. Your soul is starving. And, you have been so long without food that you have looked for other things to eat.
What they have fed you is the cardboard box instead of the Cheerios. And you look at them chewing on their own cardboard with plastic smiles on their faces and wonder, “Certainly they know.” For, they are filled, but not satisfied.
Let me encourage you to learn to feed your soul from directly from the Spirit of God. We each have a unique ability to connect with God. There’s enough Cheerios to go around when you learn to let God be the one who pours from the box into your bowl.
They are like bridges across several areas to hearing the voice of God. And they are like doors in that when they are read, the individual is able to walk through that area of understanding to get to a place. Within each topic there is a key in your hand that will enable you to get there. Below I have interpreted the titles and shown where they lead and the key that you need to use to be able to get there on your own.
Three types of bridges related to the books
All of them exercise your faith trusting God to bring you across a span of river, just like crossing the Jordan, to a place of understanding His voice on a specific subject. My books are not ‘how to’ books in that they don’t give answers. What they do is show you how to ask questions to God...then He will answer. They show you how to listen for the response and reach out to grasp it in such a way that it will no longer continue to be elusive. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, they are all on responsive prayer.
1. Book bridges span the length of a book The book bridges are writings which bridge the gap of understanding between where you are, and where you need to be, to see things from God’s perspective.
2. Spanning bridges cross over using several books Spanning bridges cross over a bigger body of water. These bridges are not built yet. They bridge your understanding on a subject. The books are grouped according to subject. Some of the books are printed, some are finished, but not printed, and some are not completed yet. It is like an unfinished bridge.
When you begin to cross a spanning bridge you exercise greater faith because you are trusting that God will continue to speak to me giving me the rest of the information needed to complete the bridge. All of the bridges go to the same place in that they bridge the gap between where you are and where God’s perspective is on the specific subject. They simply cross the river in different places.
The Spanning Bridges are tabs in the website.
3. Answers to questions: Often times we know where we want to go, but aren’t sure which roads will lead there. This section is called 24 Questions. It responds to the questions which are answered when one crosses over the bridges. This section correlates the bridges with questions.
Here are some bridges which are groupings of books on the same subject. Some of the books are printed, some are finished, and some are not. They are like a bridge under construction. As you are interested in specific subjects you can look for that bridge to become constructed.
Interpretation of Dreams--Spanning bridge #1
Opens the window to understanding dreams as they relate to God’s thinking. Understand what dreams mean. It helps the reader to convert the energy of dreams into a usable form for everyday use.
Prophecy I -Spanning bridge #2
We need to learn how to receive short messages before we can be trusted with longer ones. It includes the most basic books.
Dreams Bridge-Spanning bridge #3
This bridges the gap of understanding God dreams and the way that they relate to ours. If He desires our best interests, then we need to figure out the connection between His dreams and ours.
Holy Spirit Gifts -Spanning bridge #4
This bridges the gap of understanding how God gives individual spiritual gifts, then when we add His presence, He helps us to use them with others.
Demonic Warfare-Spanning bridge #5
This bridges the gap of understanding the war of the Kingdom of God against the kingdom of Satan. It gives strategy for fighting.
Glory of God-Spanning bridge #6
This bridges the gap between understanding the steps to going where the Glory of God is. It describes the way to get there. This bridge is for those who want the glory of God like Moses.
Dreams Encore-Spanning bridge #7
This bridge is for those who want to go deeper in their spiritual understanding of dreams. This bridge shows the connection between the spiritual gifts, dreams and the Holy Spirit.
Seven Spirits of God-Spanning bridge #8
Isaiah 11 outlines the Seven Spirits of God: Wisdom, Fear of the Lord, Knowledge, Understanding, Council, Might, and Presence. These books are for those who wish to experience the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Gifts in the Church-Spanning bridge #9
God is our friend, our father, and our husband. He desires to tend the Church.
Christian Publishing-Spanning bridge #10
This bridges the gap of understanding what to do with the message that God has given you. This bridge helps those who wish to deliver their message. Getting the flow of the Holy Spirit to others.
Prayer to Fight Satan-Spanning bridge #11
This bridges the gap of understanding the way Satan makes us miserable in our personal lives. We can have victory over him for ourselves and our families.
Prophecy II-Spanning bridge #12
This bridges the gap of understanding the voice of God with greater clarity in such a way where it can be copied down and transmitted to others. God’s voice is foreign to us, but we can learn to understand it if we ask.
The Dream Books Brochure
Information on the Dream Books, Prophetic Wave, Prophetic Prayer Series, and Prophetic Arts. Also included are the Bridges, questions and a brief history.
Strong Arming God
Overwhelming love, overpowering emotion.
Arm wrestling with God.
Why do I arm wrestle with Him?
I put my arm on the table and pull with all my strength to bring Him to my side.
I dig my heals in, grit my teeth, and try very hard with all my effort.
I attempt to pull Him to my side.
Why do I do that?
Because I walk before I know where I am going.
I become impatient, eager to go; but I forget to pull out the map and orient myself.
Like a boater launching out without scanning the weather, I launch out without knowing what is between now and later.
And, I just grab Him and take Him with me.
But, He won’t come. What’s with that?
Does the child strong arm the father?
So I strong arm God?
But, I have a plan, God.
I need You to bless it. I won’t go without You..
And by the way, this ship has already left the port.
Can I have my allowance, because I have already spent half of it?
I’m already divorced from the one I intended to spend the rest of my life with.
I’m already neck deep in a ministry that others have set me in.
I’ve become a doctor, a nurse, a pastor.
But, Lord, now I’m not sure that I haven’t tried to strong arm You.
I went my own way, instead of Yours.
Strong arming God.
Oh, if it was that we would have problems.
But, dear Children, you are wrong.
You forget that I am your Father.
Does a father let his son win sometimes?
Of course. Why?
Because He loves him.
And, you, thought you couldn’t strong arm Me.
Not, unless I let you.
And, sometimes I will. Ask.
Feel free to reach me at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
If you are new to hearing the voice of God Then you want to hear the Voice of God and He guarantees that our yearning and His desire will meet when we come to Him on His terms. I recommend bridges 2 and 3. Spanning Bridge #2 (Prophecy I) Spanning Bridge #3 ( Dreams)
If you are new to hearing the voice of God Then you want to hear the Voice of God and He guarantees that our yearning and His desire will meet when we come to Him on His terms. I recommend bridges 2 and 3. Spanning Bridge #2 (Prophecy I) Spanning Bridge #3 ( Dreams)
If you want to meet God face to face and are interested in seeing the glory of God: I recommend coming to Miracle Manna for a demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Spanning bridge #6 Glory of God Bridge.
If you have these types of questions related to awareness of the Spiritual World. Strategies for wars between Kingdoms of dark and light. Going behind enemy lines. The Battles within Flesh, spirit, mind. Warring with God. Warring with Demons. Warring with the world. At war with groups and individuals. Spanning bridge #5 Demonic Warfare. Spanning Bridge #5 Demonic Warfare bridge, Spanning Bridge #11 Fighting Satan with the Power of God
Questions related to how the power of God stacks up against the powers of evil. Questions related to spiritual bondage of sin, sickness, and poverty. Spanning bridge #11 Fighting Satan with the power of God.
If your questions are related to how the Holy Spirit indwells?
How to become filled with the power of God? How the Spirit of God relates to our spirit? How we reflecting the fullness of God? Spanning bridge #8 Seven Spirits bridge
If you are wanting to grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
If you want to learn obedience in reverence for a service of honor.
Finding the seeds for His intentions for us (Why the Glory Departed). Desiring to become one with God’s desires. (Filled with the Holy Spirit, Growing Ministry to Seed). From flowers to fruit (Maturation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.) (Sharing Prophetic Gifts in the Church). The fruit basket (Vehicles of ministry.) (Inspirational 3-D Poetry). Spanning bridge # 4 Holy Spirit Gifts
If you are wanting to grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you want to learn obedience in reverence for a service of honor. Spanning bridge #9 Holy Spirit in the Church. Religion, Seedlings, Wedding Service. Spanning bridge #12 Prophecy II. And Afterwards I will Pour Out My Spirit, Filled with the Holy Spirit, Manual of Personal Prophetic Prayer, Abreas Ansus.
If you are wanting to hear God’s voice more clearly. If you want to learn to share God’s words with others knowing that what you are sharing comes from God, not yourself. Spanning bridge #2 Prophecy I Bridge. Manual of Church Prophetic Prayer, Religion, Seedlings, Wedding Service
Spanning bridge #12 Prophecy II Bridge
Understanding dreams and visions for yourself. Book bridges. Understanding your own dreams (Dreamatrix). Interpretation of dreams, Nightmares (Tactical Demonic Warfare). Reruns (Filled with the Holy Spirit). Direction, instruction, prophecy (And Afterwards I will Pour Out My Spirit). Helping others get the answers (Sharing Prophetic Gifts in the Church). Levels of dream interpretation (Dream Language Understood) Prophetic ((And Afterwards I will Pour Out My Spirit). Scriptural (Dreamatrix). Spanning bridge #1 Interpretation of Dreams.
I heard tongues is the language of angels. How can I get it? Do I have to interpret it to be proper to have it? Tomaseña has section on logistics of speaking in tongues. Prophetic Prayer Series talks about using tongues in prayer.
Are there demon visitations in your dreams? Do you wake up in a sweat screaming and don’t know how to make them stop? You are a good person, yet you have sexual dreams you would never do. #5 Demonic Warfare. We need to learn how to differentiate between the voice of God and the other voices. We can’t fight an enemy we can’t see or hear. Inspirational 3-D Poetry (Hearing the hum of the power of God.) Abreas Ansus (What God uses to fight with.) Katísha (Differentiating spiritual voices of God and Satan.) Sinactá (Tripping over our Sin and the sins of our parents.)
God has dreams, too. For those interested in joining with God’s dreams day and night.
This is for those who are interested in a mutual level of commitment and a spiritual unification of ideas. #6 Glory of God. Entering into the Glory of God like Moses. (Actually touching the glory cloud.) Coríanta (An introduction to dreams and visions.) Miraculeś (Let Him expand the picture of God for who He really is.) Dove Dreams Fly (Enabling His dreams to fly within your life.) Coríanta Love Notes I (An introduction to short dreams and visions.)
For those interested in pushing forward to have their dreams fulfilled.
How do I follow the steps to the fulfilling God’s vision?
Take the data from dreams and push it to daytime: Enabling the progression of the dream. Dream, vision, fulfillment (Kapaseus). (Dove Dreams Fly). Expanding the vision and including others in the vision. How do we tell whether it is His fulfillment or ours? #3 Dreams
Do you want to be called a friend of God like Moses? Book bridges (Wedding Service) Running the field of truth (a field with a protective fence) (Palagra) #12 Prophecy II. Speaking in tongues. God’s voice is foreign to us. When we understand Him, we can be friends. 3-D Inspirational Poetry (His voice is different from ours.) Tomaseña (Areas of voice of God; Prophecy in Old Testament, New and today). Camezia Reptidad (We are to take after our dad; become foreigners in the world.) Dove Dreams Fly (His dreams take us out of our own world.)
I do not want to convert to Christianity. Do your books help me to figure out how to be God’s friend without converting to Christianity? Miraculeś (This book is not a Christian book--but has references to 10 holy books. It explains how to be a friend of God, no matter which religion-or lack of--you belong to.)
Are you afraid of spiritual things, Holy Ghost, demons, speaking in tongues? Coríanta (allow God to show you He is a nice guy), Dreamatrix (learn how to interpret your dreams effectively)
I want to practice prophetic gifts and see them in action. Where can I find such a group that isn’t fake? Ask God to give you a dream...and then use Dreamatrix to interpret it. Tomaseña will help to hear His voice. You can also send me a note in the contact page and I can help to locate a group.
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