This bridges the gap of understanding God dreams and the way that they relate to ours. If He desires our best interests, then we need to figure out the connection between His dreams and ours.
A short powerful book on salvation which includes an allegory about the love of God, a teaching on why Salvation is important and a dream with interpretation. This book is also available in Spanish, e-book and Large Print (both languages). A Prophetic Dream Book.
6 x 9 24 pages
Tres: Vendedor De Aspiradoras, Salvacion, Ventana de Oportunides para la Salvacion .
Do we know God by how we have been taught or are we brave enough to ask Him ourselves? Are we good enough to see the backside of God like Moses did? Did you know there is a mirror that shows us who we are and who God is. References from 5 Holy Books: the Tanakh, Christian New Testament, Book of Mormon, Catholic Bible, and the Qur’an.
ASIN : B08NDR1GQJ 173 pages 6 x 9
Large Print is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
8.5 x 11 216 pages
Dove Dreams Fly is the inside story of how Sheri Hauser followed dreams which led to learn everything to hatch a publishing company. This business was built on faith in the dreams she believed were from God and proved to be true. You can, as well, because last time we checked God is still handing out dreams for free.
ASIN : B08B39QN41 6 x 9 194 pages
Dreamatrix is a basic dream interpretation book for those who are curious to see if their dreams may be messages from beyond given into their mind at night. This book is perfect for those who are not really familiar with the Bible, but still looking to understand their dreams from God’s point of view. Light-hearted version sprinkled with banana poetry--just un-peal it. ASIN: 1074442040
e-book. 5.5 x 8.5 79 pages
Large Print Version. 6 x 9
And After I Will Pour Out Spirit Large Print is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
ASIN: B084WRXX99 6x 9 141 pages
Neon Signs
Dreams come like threads into our minds. We need to figure out how to weave them like the fabric on a lawn chair, to make a place where we can sit. They are a web, but not one meant to capture us. Remember, they are given when we rest. Only when we figure out how to not get caught up in the web, but sit on it, can we rest.
Dreams are usually pictures, but sometimes they can be only words or impressions. Generally there is a story that is told and we may be part of the story or a bystander. Sometimes we manipulate the dream while we are within it as if we are awake and able to change the outcome of events.
It is as if a screen is dropped down in front of us and we watch the pictures without being able to direct the events. We are given a movie. Sometimes, we become tired after a dream because it is as if we have lived it. Other times we dream about people we barely know and the dreams are erotic, so we wonder if it will lead to illicit affairs.
Everyone dreams, but we each have varying degrees of being able to remember them. Dreams are like impressions into our brain; like a wood burning set. They are impressed into our skull. I think of it like when we go to a concert and our hand is stamped: some stamps are clearer and leave a deeper impression than others. All of us can remember a dream we had as a small child because it has left such a deep impression on our brain.
Dreams put us in touch with an area that we can’t touch when we are awake. They tell us about our sub conscious state. We have three parts to our matrix. We have a mind, a body and a soul. The mind is what we use to make decisions with.
Usually, we direct our behavior with our mind. The body is what we live within. You know, it is that part of us that each of us tries to change so that it looks better. We nip and tuck it, bathe and clothe it, exercise and excuse it: our body. The soul is often ignored. I have found that the ones that are the most in touch with their souls are those that have touched death and come back. Anyone with drug experiences can tell you about his soul because he has met God.
Those who have fought the demons of depression and suicide will tell you about the spirit world because they have met it face to face.
Dreams come to us from a place we know nothing about and bring us to a place we know less about; the place of beyond our imagination; a place of the spiritual nature. I dare you to meet this place with your consciousness. For, what I encourage you to do is bring the sub consciousness of the spirit world to the conscious.
Dreams are one of our connections to God. When we learn how to convert that energy into usable forms, we can use it in our houses. There needs to be an energy conversion for us to be able to connect the messages for daily use.
If we have no control over dreams, then they don’t come from us. We all have dreams that we would rather not have. Why would we put ourselves into a place we hate? We wouldn’t. I maintain dreams come from the other side: the spirit side of the world we live in. God is the one who gives the dreams to us.
There are over 100 references to dreams in the Bible. The New Testament starts and ends with a dream. Mary was given dreams telling her to birth Jesus. Joseph was given dreams telling him to hide Jesus from the wicked rulers at that time. And, remember, Pilot’s wife had a dream about Jesus when He was on the cross telling her that He was a godly man. Pilot responded to her dream and washed his hands of the blood of Jesus in front of the crowd.
So, I encourage you, if you are curious about your dreams, to consider this as an option. If God spoke to them, why wouldn’t He continue to speak to us today?
I maintain that He is speaking, but we don’t recognize the impulses because we don’t know how. We know that they are coming; because like sitting on an electric fence, we all know that the dreams we are having mean something, yet we are not sure what. I do….let me roll the carpet out for you. If God created the world, then He is everyone’s Father. And, if He is everyone’s Father, then He cares. Is it far fetched to think that, as a Father, He would care about what we do?
But, to think that He would care enough to give each of us impulses into our brains to tell us stuff is pushing things, a bit, you say…. Keep listening.
We all know who our mother is, but none of us can be sure who our father is. Why? We can’t be sure who our father is because he provides the seed, but doesn’t give birth to us. The mother has to stay with us until we are born, but the father doesn’t.
How do you know that God isn’t your Father in a spiritual way? If there are only two fathers; the father called the Devil and the father called God, then how do we know who is ours?
I have studied dreams extensively for the past five years and have not found one dream that I felt was from the Devil. I believe that all dreams come from God. I don’t think He turned over this realm to the Devil.
So, I don’t really think it matters whether or not a person is a Christian, claiming God as his Father, for God to speak into his mind with dreams. Remember, Satan did not create the world. He is not the father of it. We give him far more credit, sometimes, than he deserves.
[Excerpt Taken from Dreamatrix.]
At what point does a dream become a dream? Who knows? It really doesn’t matter because the same principles apply when interpreting visions. A vision is a picture that comes into your mind while you are awake. Sometimes it moves, but usually it is a still life shot. I think of them like a ‘watermark’ on a piece of stationery: The picture is behind whatever is going on.
If you start talking to your visions, then they are becoming too real and you might need medication. Actually, in the hospital setting, most commonly we see those going through withdraws of alcohol having ‘visions’ that they actually attempt to walk into. They ‘see’ the bartender and ask him for another drink. They tear their clothes off and pea on themselves. It’s not pretty. Usually it lasts about three days and the individual doesn’t remember those three days. I would not call these dreams. They are psychotic episodes induced by alcohol withdrawal.
And, I guess if you sit and think long enough you can change the course of your thinking and ‘make yourself’ dream whatever you want. The other day someone was telling me about a class on ‘directing the outcome of your dream’. That is a novel idea, but it doesn’t hold much water because it isn’t true. How many times have you dreamt about your old lover when you didn’t want to?
[Excerpt Taken from Dreamatrix.]
There is a correlation between daytime dreams and night time dreams and if we can figure out the connection, then we will get closer to what we desire. I think of daytime dreams as ‘our heart desires’. My father wants a 45 foot yacht. It’s been his dream ever since he owned one in his younger years. But, I don’t think he dreams at night about it. It’s a daytime dream.
I have a dream of interpreting my books into several foreign languages. This is a daytime dream. But, this dream is different from my father’s dream in that it was a dream that I was given at night which I grasped and pushed into the daytime.
The question is whose dreams are whose? If God is the one who gives us dreams, then whose are they? Are they His or ours? Do we own them because they are shown onto the screen of our mind or are they His which He loaned us for a reason?
It’s like taking someone on a date to a movie. Just because we go with Him to see the movie, doesn’t mean that we own it. It is His movie, not ours.
One of the things He told me is, “What makes you think that I’m not interested in your dreams?”
I think when we are trying to do what God wants us to do, we feel that we must give up our dreams and pursue His. We hope that His ideas are better than ours and that they are designed to make us happy. But, somehow, it gives the idea of eating vegetables: They are good for us, but not necessarily tasty.
What I have seen as I pursue the subject of dreams is that God desires an interactive relationship which spans from daytime to night time. He cares about our dreams at night and at the daytime and just because they came from us, doesn’t make Him discount them as a possibility. It’s like your child wanting dessert. You don’t deliberately keep it from him and make him eat only vegetables. I believe God is the same way; He doesn’t mind if we have dessert as long as we eat our meal. It’s like when He gives a dream in the night and we follow the message (that is our meal) and then we ask Him to help fulfill our daytime dreams (that is the dessert). I don’t think of Him as a stingy Santa Clause, but someone who cares.
My husband and I work out of the same bank account. We pay the bills, then when we have money left over; either of us may use it for whatever we want.
Our relationship is interactive and we support the same things. There is a similarity between this analogy in that our relationship with God. It should be interactive and working out of the same account. We only have so many daytime and night time hours. He can make deposits into our account at night and we can make deposits into His account during the day. But, like the relationship with my husband, if I use all of the money all the time, then there is none for him. The correlation continues; in that if I only use God’s dreams and tell Him none of mine, then the relationship is uneven. Or, if I forget to honor His dreams, yet bombard Him with mine, I use up all the funds in the dream bank.
What I have found is that when I recognize my night time dreams as being messages from God and talk with Him about them, He shows the answers. These dreams become pretty good ideas of ways to walk into the dreams that I have. He seems to have a way of directing me to make my dreams grow bigger than I projected. Dove Dreams Fly is the story of my night time dreams which I had during the time I wrote Coríanta. The dreams show a progression of leading. I give the dream and tell what I did to try to follow the message of the dream. Then I give the outcome which led me to build the business of Glorybound Publishing.
[Excerpt Taken from Dreamatrix.]
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