This bridge is for those who want to go deeper in their spiritual understanding of dreams. This packet shows the connection between the spiritual gifts, dreams and the Holy Spirit.
I had no friends until I learned what it meant to become a friend of Jesus. I had acquaintances: Friendly people in my life for a specific purpose. Time limited relationships based on mutual need. My Jesus friend is neither. Now, I have learned to be a forever, friend. And, my cup is spilling over to others. Because, we are all eternal. When we ask Jesus to forgive us through His blood, There is a window to our soul opened. Next, we need to invite the cool breeze of the Holy Spirit to enter. We open the window of our heart to receive the fulfillment of the covenant; the Gift.
ASIN: B08QDTPDGW 6 x 9 208 Pages
Going to the Center of God’s Heart-A Reflowable Ebook Outpouring of dreams and visions sharing the sweetness of God. The book is filled with inspirational pieces and dreams interpreted using the Scriptures. Chapters include Jesus is Alive, His Kingdom Lives, Tea with Jesus, Praise, Passion, Anointing, and Share God’s Heart
Going to the Center of God’s Heart-A Large Print. Large Print is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
ASIN B08VYR2BLD 8.5 x 11 247 Pages
Welcome to the latter days with an open window to understand mysteries and revelation with dreams, visions, and prophecy. The book is written from interpreted dreams. Chapters include Open Door, God’s Heart Desire, Filling the Need, The Holy Spirit, Prophecy, Prophecy Shared, and Prophetic Prayer. Paperback 6 x 9 263 pages ASIN: B08QBQK654
Kindle ASIN: B08QF3VQ46
Prophetic Wave Series.
And After I Will Pour Out Spirit Large Print is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
paperback 8.5 x 11 290 pages
Sometimes you can get the interpretation of a dream if you figure out how to let go of the pictures and just keep the words. This is a Christian dream interpretation book. It is an easy instructional manual written by one of the foremost dream interpreters. Jump in and realize that dreams are not meant to be silent movies. Prophetic Wave Series.
Paperback 6x9 103 pages ASIN: B08QBRGRLZ
The Book is compiled according to the best practices and guidelines for Large Print Documents used by the Low Vision Community authored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA.
Prophetic Wave Series
ASIN : B085KHLDLD 8.5 x 11 160 pages
The more we grow into how God wants us to be, the better prepared we will be for the Kingdom of Heaven. This book parallels how the Church is being prepared for the end times and how we need to become prepared in our personal ministry. Welcome to the prophetic end times.
Prophetic Wave Series
ASIN : B08QRXV7TS 6 x 9 270 pages
One of the biggest problems with dream interpretation is that we fail to comprehend how big each piece is in relation to the whole, so we discard some of the small pieces that we need later on to complete the puzzle. Think of a collection of dreams as a puzzle. When we put a puzzle together, we dump all the pieces out onto the carpet then prop the picture from the cover up against the sofa leg and turn the pieces over one by one. Then, we begin by connecting the frame. After we connect the border, we group like colors together and, following the picture on the cover of the box, we fill in the rest.
This book is a second level book on understanding how to get the words from your dreams. What you will learn in this book is how to connect dreams that you have already interpreted so that you can stand back to see the whole picture that God has for your life. Only when you see the vision He has for you, can you begin to walk into it. To utilize This book to the utmost it is important that you have an understanding of the dreams as they come to you: In essence you need to already be writing down the dreams and asking God how to interpret them in a spiritual context using Scriptures. A big part of dream interpretation is desire, determination and discipline.
Desire: You need to desire to understand your dreams in a spiritual context as if they are directional words given in coded messages from God while you sleep. This takes faith. It it is your desire, yet you feel that you do not have faith enough to believe that they are from ‘God’ then, pray for Him to give you a clear dream which will give you the faith to believe that they are from Him.
Think of it this way: If you were trying to give a message to someone and had the capability to enter into their mind with messages written on the back of their brain, and he or she asked you to prove yourself, do you suppose you would do it?
Chances are pretty good, if you are reading this book, that you have a interest in dreams and want to know if these are messages in to your subconscious given from God. In this case, just ask for the gift of faith to be given to you. By definition it is the assurance of things not seen and the conviction of things not present. Faith is believing in things as if they are when you seen no external evidence of them. In order to believe in dreams as messages from God, you need to have the faith to believe that God cares, and conveys messages this way. Then, you need to step further into the spiritual realm by trusting that He will give you the proper interpretation of the dream, so you can walk into the answer.
Dreams are when God touches down and faith empowers our feet to walk into the answer. We have the ability to enable the dream by moving toward what we see (dimly) to be where we need to go. We can only go somewhere where we have enough light to see where we are going. If we are on a trail at night, then we need a flashlight to stay on the trail. The same is with dreams. If we have a dream, then we can only follow it as far as we can discern the meaning of it.
Initially, we may have a single dream. If we can follow that dream, then God will give us another. They become like trail markers along the path when we notice them along the way. I encourage you to try it.
Determination: This is when we set our mind to do something. I can’t tell you how many times I have met people who tell me, “I wanted to be a nurse and started Nursing School, but things came up in my life and I dropped out and never finished school.”
These individuals had desire and determination, but failed at the third essential element, which is discipline.
Discipline is a very difficult task when it comes to accurate dream interpretation. In order to ‘catch’ the dream, you have to write it down quickly, often when you wake up from a sound sleep or in the middle of the night. A dream is like a fish on a hook. We sit in our boat and toss out our line. When a fish gets on the hook, we still need to set the hook and haul the fish into the boat before we can fry it up for dinner.
To correlate it with a dream, we need to have catch the dream as it surfaces into our consciousness. A dream comes when we are asleep, so we need to get a hold of it when we are awake in order to write it down. It is like a fish which remains under the surface until we are able to hook it and get it to the surface of our head.
And, many times we remember the dream just as we wake up, but if we fail to write it down right then, we forget it soon. Did you ever have a dream, then later on in the day, all of a sudden, recall it? It is like a fish that was under the water, then hopped into the boat. You didn’t attach a hook to it or try to drag it into your consciousness, but it just ‘hopped into your head’ later on.
One of the reasons that I have been able to write so many books from dreams is that I have disciplined myself to wake up in the middle of the night and write them down. You can tell the difference between my pillow and my husband’s pillow because mine has ink stains on it where I have fallen back to sleep with the pen in my hand while writing down a dream in the middle of the night. I admit that there are a lot of dreams that I miss because I do not exercise enough discipline. I probably only catch about half of my fish. Take heart, there is a lot of fish in that pond.
[Excerpts from Dream Language Understood.]
Spiritual Hearing
Think of spiritual ears like ears of corn. If the corn isn’t developed then it shouldn’t be picked. Corn that is not ripe makes bad popcorn and awful creamed corn.
One of the problems that we have with obtaining the messages from our dreams is that we rush to the answer without putting the dream into a spiritual context. Remember, the message of the dream is usually in the words, not in the pictures. I say usually, because occasionally, we will receive a clear dream which needs no interpretation because all of the elements are real people we know and what we are supposed to do is actually played out in the dream.
But, this is the extraordinary dream, not the usual dream. Normal dreams come in pictures that look more like a cartoon having us fly around the room and say and do things we would never be able to do because we are limited. For example, how many of us have swam in the Arctic with the whales? My dear friend called me to help interpret her dream of swimming with the whales. She could have written this dream off a ‘silly’ but, because she knows me, she called me for help. {If any of you are curious, the meaning of the dream is that she is ‘swimming with something great. It may seem fishy to many, but it is one of the biggest catches of the deep’}. To add to this message in order to make this dream tip over into the spiritual realm, I would add {...but it is one of the biggest catches of the deep spiritual things of God.} I would add this part because the sea is where we see things in the spirit and she is swimming deeply in these things with someone of great size.
You see, you need to take the dream and allow the kernels to mature within their element. Keep the dream in its husk, like corn and allow it to mature to its fullness. The husk is like that which surrounds and protects the dream from other elements. Our husk is the Scriptures and our understanding of God’s character. Both are important. For instance, the dream I interpreted above has whales in it. There is only one whale in the Old Testament and it gobbles up someone. This whale doesn’t have a personality in the Scriptures, so it would be bad to interpret the dream using only Scriptures because it would send you down the wrong road. If you assumed that the dream related to Jonah because it had a whale in it, then you would wonder if the whale was going to eat you and if you were being disobedient to a command of God.
But, the dream doesn’t say that. Remember, in the dream, she is swimming with the whales in the Arctic; she is not eaten by them or afraid of them. So, this interpretation is like picking the corn before it is ripe because it does not take into respect the character of God, but only the Scriptures.
If you join the dream with your knowledge of the character of God, you would know that God is ‘great’. In fact, the Spirit of God is the one who was moving all across the ‘deep’ in the front of Genesis. Who sees the best? Certainly the Spirit. Who is the biggest Seer?
You see, by deduction, the whale correlates with the Spirit, or the Spirit of Wisdom or the Spirit of Knowledge because it is found in the deep waters. In order to interpret this dream, if you didn’t know much about the Scriptures, you could probably figure out the answer by going to a dictionary and looking up the attributes of a whale.
God gives the pictures in the dream to display the message. Many times I write down the dream, then read it back to myself trying to loose the pictures. Certainly, God is not a whale in the literal sense. That is ridiculous. But, He is big and swims in a big way all over the place. So, the message of the dream is that she has someone who is really big right along side of her as she moves into the things of the Spirit world.
To take the dream further is as much of an error as to cut it short. To pick corn that is over ripe is as bad as picking it early. If you ‘press’ the dream you might do research on why the whale is swimming in the Arctic, then wonder if you’re getting ‘cold’ in the Spirit. That is a sample of over ripe corn. It’s bad news. God does not take good news and turn it into bad news. Remember, He is the one who brings the ‘Good News’ so to carry the dream this far is to bring it out of the character context of the Spirit of God.
[Excerpts from Dream Language Understood.]
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